Saturday, July 30, 2022

A night out at the track!

When your baby brother asks you to come cheer him on and learn that Syd is racing too, you go! :) I have a lot to learn about shooting motion and all the light types but this was a great attempt.
It makes my heart happy when I get to support my brother's hobbies and joys! Welcome to the sport Syd the Brave! -Chelsie

Family is BEST with you in it!

 Families are best with each member in it! Each member of the family is authentic and loves their way to support each person in their family. Families go through seasons but ALWAYS come out stronger on the other side TOGETHER! 

This family is beautiful together! 


A sister is a gift to the heart!

 I have had the honor of taking pictures of these girls in the past. I truly enjoy their creative and spunky souls. I know these pictures are great because Grace was in charge of setting her people up! (We will get to see her work in another Blog post.) 

This post is about sisters and the heart that comes along with that title. Two independent girls that have each others back! Not to mention one strong momma to learn from. Their beauty shines bring here! 


Friday, July 15, 2022

Spectacular Seven

I introduce to you the Spectacular Seven..... it you need a series of belly laughs, this family is the one for the job! We met at a special place to them and because of that I got a very unique tour. This family has creative souls and of course the crew had pose ideas to try, locations to try and adventures to go on! The dog also decided to join us on this journey. 

Thank you for making me feel like one of the crew! 


Friday, July 8, 2022

Returning to a love.......

As life evolves, it take us different directions for awhile. Life has given me many opportunities and chances to grow that have taken me away from my hobbies. Now, that I have accomplished some really big goals I now get to LIVE and return to the things that bring me pure joy. 

When I let the world know I was returning to this hobby, Lynette was the first person to say YES to my request for a human session. Lynette and Emery blessed my life through an angel we know as Mr.K. Hearing Emery talk about her dad and celebrate her mom brought deep emotions. What a special girl to get to know. She loves pink and light pink. She likes to twirl and wear a crown. Daddy Bear is always present and protecting her and her mom. 

Lynette loves this little princess and is absolutely beautiful inside and out. Her smile is contagious and is the center of her daughter's world. Lynette is a caring human that the world is better because of her heart! 

I am happy to call this family a friend! 

Thank you for trusting me to capture your pure beauty! 

Thank you for reminding me why I love this work. 
Thank you for being YOU and filling this word with sparkle and love! 
