Spring in Iowa is always like a Jack-in-the-Box as to what weather we may get surprised with. Today was 45F and sometimes sunny. That means it is time to get outside and see what nature is working on. I dressed for the beautiful day and headed to the park.
I am many things but sneaky is not on that list. As I was approaching the trail I saw movement and got a glimpse of a turkey in full strut. Of course, they were were not about to stick around knowing I was close. But several other bird species arrived to greet me. Birds are quick so I did not capture images of each visitor.
If you know me, you know.... SQUIRREL!
The spring woodlands are breathtaking; look close as there are so many delightful flowers to see.
Do not forget to look up too!
Get outside and experience Spring. See how beautiful NEW growth can be. Experience the calls of returning songs that you have not heard in awhile. Sit and feel the warmth of the sun. Be still and know that fresh beginnings are perfect!