Monday, December 11, 2023

Dog (noun.) A loyal loving companion who cares for you more then themselves.

 Meet Keith and Rachel. We have known each other for most of my life. 

Keith asked me to capture family photos and to include their two dogs. If you know me, you know I love dogs and these two girls are no exception. 

Ada is about seven and the life of the party. Nothing gets past her to say the least. She lives for side by side rides, treats and her mom. 

Sheba is a senior dog and likes to set back to watch. She is never too far from her dad. This girl loves deeply. Dogs are never in our lives long enough so it is important to capture their love while we can. 

Thank you for asking me to capture the love of you family. May you treasure time, always. 


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Presley braved nature!

Never has a sneak peek been this large. This session was split into two because we got rained out on our first day. This allowed for us to see what we were getting and adjust. Two Sunday sessions and we nailed her vision. Presley trusted me to lead her not into poison ivy.... but I did lead her into stinging nettles. We all survived and the art we created was worth the itch! 

What Presley taught me is show up in your FAVORITE outfit because those pictures will show YOU the most! 

Enjoy this moment as time is a gift! 
Love, Chelsie 

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Saddle Up, I am six months new!

Baby Colton is six months new this month! 

Baby Colton is loved by many and is a big fan of his brother! He enjoys snuggles, is a really great listener, loves to fight naps, always keeps an eye on his brother, and wears a smile most often. 

Today he explored a saddle that his great grandmother used. She too had a love for family, animals and simple life treasures. I see these things in Colton.

Love you Colton, 


Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Dancing in the Rain

 On Sunday we got rain! 

Of course it blessed us during a photo session so we had to DANCE! 

We want to know...... have you ever danced in the rain? 

Love this life you live, 


Monday, September 4, 2023

Dogs that heal

 I believe that dogs have healing powers. 

A dog is there when you need........ 

an ear 

a bed hog

a laugh 

a hug 

to feel noticed and valued 

to work on your throw 

a nap

to share the cheese they know you can not finish

a personal foot heater 

a reason to get out of bed at 6:30AM to see the day start.

Dogs have a lot to teach humans. 

Shout out to these two for a great weekend of "healing". 

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Forty-Five and partly sunny.

Spring in Iowa is always like a Jack-in-the-Box as to what weather we may get surprised with. Today was 45F and sometimes sunny. That means it is time to get outside and see what nature is working on. I dressed for the beautiful day and headed to the park. 

I am many things but sneaky is not on that list. As I was approaching the trail I saw movement and got a glimpse of a turkey in full strut. Of course, they were were not about to stick around knowing I was close. But several other bird species arrived to greet me. Birds are quick so I did not capture images of each visitor. 

If you know me, you know.... SQUIRREL! 

The spring woodlands are breathtaking; look close as there are so many delightful flowers to see. 

Do not forget to look up too! 

Get outside and experience Spring. See how beautiful NEW growth can be. Experience the calls of returning songs that you have not heard in awhile. Sit and feel the warmth of the sun. Be still and know that fresh beginnings are perfect! 


Sunday, April 9, 2023

When they are young.

They are not this age ever again. 

Capture their moments and authentic selves, you will be happy you did. 

Show them themselves. 

Show them their expression and comfort in their own self. 

Follow their lead with their creative ideas. 

You will be happy you did. 

WARNING: This smile is contagious! 

Thank you for spreading joy and sharing your interests! 
