Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The House that Built Me

This past month has been bitter sweet for my family. 

We moved to Waverly in 1999. My little brother was about a year old and I was going into 4th grade. I really did not want to move here, but it has been the best move my family could have ever made.
Now, there is a “For Sale” sign sitting in our front yard, my family has out grown this house. But we will never forget the memories we have made here!

If these walls could talk, they would tell you the story of a family growing up under their supervision.
We have had good times, bad times, hard times, easy times, laughs and tears in this house. 

We have been in the company of the ones we love the most with celebrations for birthday’s and holidays and just because. 

My dog Jasmine is buried in the back yard with her favorite baseball. That was a very bad morning for all of us. I will never forget the look on Matt’s face when he came to tell me the news. 

There might even be a few of my arrows weaved deep in the grass, from when I was practicing my perfect shot for the next hunting season. 

My family has made this house a home. We have completely redone the inside of this house. 

I will always remember the nights camping out on the trampoline, but ending up inside because the raccoons crashed our slumber party. 

What about that morning Daisy and Rusty woke me up because a storm was coming? Matt had to come to my rescue but couldn’t get to the house because of down power lines on the road. 

There are many memories that were made with the neighbor girl, but mom doesn’t know everything we did, so I can’t reminisce on that! 

What about all of those water fights? ….. and camping in the family room! 

Getting internet and a computer was a very big deal! 

I have tried leaving this place three times, but I am always returning. It has to be true: Home is where the Heart is! 

 If the walls could talk they would tell you about Trevor dancing in front of the mirror when he was just able to walk. He would entertain us for hours with his tricky moves! 

Sledding down our hill was the best! And swinging on our rope swing, I swear we could almost touch the sky! 

Many Springs have blessed this house.

One of my favorite spots in the world: the front porch swing.

Can you see the sign?

The swing I almost touched the sky in.

Even the birds called this place HOME.
There are so many more memories that were made within these walls. Thank you for housing my family and protecting us! Letting us live our lives within your walls!

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