Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Dancing with the sun

Ashtyn asked me to capture a few photos with her and Drake during a sunset. This of course was rescheduled six times due to rain. (Yes, we know our power here.) 

This is something I have never done before creatively. I am not a professional photographer but enjoy taking pictures and this was going to be beyond my skills and knowledge. Ashtyn was not concerned. 

We finally found the sunshine night...... without a sunset. (Turns out these works of art can not be planned or requested, because we tried that too.) 

We started seeing what we could create. 

Ashtyn's son was our coach and equipment carrier for the night. There is a little boy that is very close with his mom and horse. Watching Ashtyn be a mom and giver of love to all of God's creatures is breathtaking. 

Getting the time to simply "be" as a mom comes in moments. 

As the sun was setting we got creative. Let us see what happens when........ we dance with the sun. 

Drake is a bundle of personalities that kept us laughing all night. There are several moments where he was cheesing for the camera too; falling asleep in place because being a "pretty boy" is exhausting. 

Once we learned that our painted sunset was not going to happen and the little boy was ready for us to all eat supper together, we headed back to the barn. 

Thank you for letting me live in the moments with you and dance in the sun.


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